What you need to know when travelling to gHANA

Travel advice | E book | travel preparation



  • You are coming for a vacation
  • You are going to live here
  • You are coming to volunteer
  • You are a digital nomad
  • Or you have a completely different reason for travelling to ‘Africa for Beginners’

You want to read up on it and prepare yourself before you leave so that you can get more out of your time in Ghana!

How convenient is it when you know before you leave how transportation is arranged?

That you know what you can eat on the road in Ghana!

And that you bargain at the right places and on the right products!


With my E-book “Get to know Ghana” you can already get acquainted with the beautiful country and its wonderful people!


A wonderful workbook! Very useful in preparation for your trip to Ghana ✨ (but even if you don’t have travel plans you can learn a lot from it and expand your world view)


get to know Ghana E book

What a great E-book you have made! Enthusiastic and written with a lot of love for Ghana and because of the beautiful layout and photos it looks very attractive too.


It is beautiful. I am really impressed.The colors, the pictures, the quiz, …. Perfect


How nice! Am totally excited about it. You can tell it comes from your heart.


Get to know the locals and Ghanaian customs before traveling!

“Children who ask are getting passed over.”

I can still hear my mother saying it…..
And then I came to Ghana for the first time in 2001. My hostess always asked for bread and kids would say “Give me pen/balloon/food/money.

Wow, how rude I thought those kids were and pfff why did I always have to bring a loaf of bread?

Until I understood a long time later that when the children here don’t ask, they are actually passed over. On top of that, in the local language there is not really a phrase like Can I have and in Ghana it is absolutely not rude to ask.

And by now, I also ask my colleague for a loaf of bread when she travels, because that is a custom here:)


Hi, I’m Patricia and I have written a unique book in which I have mixed facts, practical tips, my experiences and my mistakes. All this with the goal that you travel well prepared and that you get the most out of your Ghana experience in a respectful way.

Over 60 pages of Ghana information will give you the best preparation!

  • You know all about vaccinations and flights
  • You know how to behave at social occasions
  • You know what you do and do not need to take with you
  • You know how to apply for a visa
  • You have an insight into the culture
  • You know what is and is not appropriate in Ghana
  • You have an understanding of stereotypes and assumptions
  • You know how to work well with Ghanaians on an equal footing
  • You know how to travel in Ghana
  • You know what you can and cannot eat safely

In addition to all this practical information, the E-book contains fillable checklists, several quizzes and a packing list.

After reading this book you will have enough knowledge of this beautiful country in Africa to make your trip even more authentic. Because you are aware of the courtesies you will easily make contact with Ghanaians. And thanks to the practical knowledge you can easily travel around the country!


table of contents E book Ghana

Besides going over all the topics that are good to know before you leave for Ghana, this book is also very nice and smooth to read and is packed with interesting facts and tips! It makes you feel like you’re already in Ghana for a bit.

Moreover, it is nice that you can actively work with the book on the basis of questions. I would definitely recommend this book to my friends or family who are going to Ghana. It even gives me a good feeling because then I know that they will be well prepared.

Hannah Boakye

Hey, I haven’t read through the whole book yet! But it looks really super and there is really useful information in it 😊

Great preparation like this!


Get to know Ghana E book


Do you have plans to come to Ghana?
Do you want to be well prepared?
Enjoy the preparations for your trip even more?


When you order the workbook ‘I’ll help you on your way in Ghana’ you will receive an overnight stay for 2 at Moon&Star guesthouse worth €25!