One of the services I offer is a personal coaching program. Especially for people who get stuck, who want to get away from it all, but who also want to work on themselves and break patterns. Change of environment alone is not enough to bring about an overall change. I realize that these are beautiful words that I write like that, but what can you and I really achieve together during the coaching program in Ghana.
Read the special story of Charles. One of the many people I have been able to help over the past 10 years.
Give yourself a break, get to know yourself (again) and break free from fixed patterns at Moon&Star guesthouse
Charles was only 17 years old but still came to do volunteer work in Ghana during his summer vacation. He was not an average 17 year old, he didn’t want to come and improve the world. He especially wanted to learn and see what life abroad would be like while you’re not on vacation. 3 weeks was actually quite short, but yes he was only 17 years old and also had to work some during his summer vacation.
Charles decided to stop taking his medication
It was a big step for Charles to come and for his mother it was very exciting to let him go. All the more so because Charles normally took medication against ADHD. They had decided together not to let him take any medication during the summer holidays. Thanks to my personal guidance, it felt safe enough to let Charles come to Ghana.
During the coaching in Ghana program you can be completely yourself
Charles flourished in Ghana, learned to explore his interests here and found out that if he found something very nice and interesting, he could indeed be focused. He talked a lot about his dreams and wishes, so that when he returned home he knew which study he wanted to follow. He learned that he can be his own special self.
After returning home, he was never taken on medication again. He started to follow a different course at a ‘lower’ level, but something he loved. He has made long tough trips, lived abroad for a period of time and works on great projects.
Sustainability is key for anything I can offer you in Ghana
I offer sustainable tourism that allows the traveller to experience, experience and empathize with another culture based on equality so that there is no negative impact on the people of Banko and the projects we support in particular.
We listen to the local authorities, the people on the projects and their leaders. We are not undermining their authority, they know best what is needed.
What do you get during the coaching program in Ghana?
Ghana coach has an excellent volunteer program with guidance. I guide you in a practical way before departure, you receive the book ‘I help you on your way in Ghana’ and participate in an online course on sustainable volunteering. Someone from Moon&Star guesthouse will pick you up from the airport. When we are in Banko we have an extensive program, with daily activities, but also many fun trips and space for conversations and evaluations.
Read more about volunteering
I have read that you also offers a 4 weeks of volunteering for € 410,00. What is that?
Yes, that’s absolutely right. With the Ghana coach program and via Moon &Star guesthouse you are not paying for volunteer work.
The € 410,00 is structured as follows: 4 times € 85,00 for your room, drinking water and 3 meals per day. And the remaining € 45,00 is for the book and the online course that you will follow in preparation for your time in Ghana.
When you join the personal coaching program you will receive extra guidance, such as the airport service and transport to Banko, but also coaching conversations with me. If you are unsure about which program suits you or if you just want to get acquainted, I invite you to make a no-obligation Zoom appointment!
Do you, like Charles, want to break free from fixed patterns and gain more insight into yourself? Then fill in the form and come to Ghana for a while!
In memoriam
The remarkable young man who was the inspiration for this blogpost suddenly past away.
Mathias was gifted; where ever he went he was able to touch people and animals right in the heart. He made the world a better place.
Da yie Mathias, rest in peace
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