In almost all communication as a Ghana coach, I present myself as a Ghana expert. I have struggled with that expert status, do I truly know so much? And can I help everyone who travels to this beautiful African country? Gradually, I am learning to embrace my knowledge and at the same time, I recognize my limits. In this article, I am not going to bore you again with reasons why I deserve this expert status, you can already read that in a previous blog. I am going to tell you about my limits, about who I cannot help as a Ghana expert.

For years, I have been receiving many messages via Instagram, Facebook, and mail from people who want tips & tricks. People who come to work or live in Ghana, who want to set up all kinds of organizations, and from people who want to set up a tourist business. Many of these messages come through Moon&Star guesthouse and sometimes people are not aware of my activities as a Ghana coach.
It is in my nature to want to help people and I still find it difficult to say no. But now there are so many messages that I could have a day’s work answering them as I always did before.

With my E-book I can help everyone who travels to Ghana

My solution is to give some answers in the first mail and to refer to the contents of my book ‘Get to know Ghana’. Because most answers can be found there. Just last week I received this message via Instagram from someone who bought the book. Nice detail, she is married to a Ghanaian and lives half in Europe and half in Ghana for many years.
“Btw the book is very nice and funny to read. And I still learned some new things even after all these years 😊”

I cannot help you when I am the only one investing

The reference to my E-book works for a few reasons. The first is that I know the person asking the question is serious, because they are willing to make an investment. The second reason has everything to do with the first group of people I cannot help as a Ghana expert.

For years, I have answered an enormous number of mails and messages very extensively and it often became a whole correspondence. That takes energy, which is not bad if you also get energy in return. And I often heard the promise that when I come back to Ghana, I will come and see you! Guess how many times these people visited Moon&Star guesthouse.

The result was that although it is in my nature to help people, I was kind of tired of these mails and messages. And that feeling is gone, I love to help you on your way! And I answer messages with great joy again. Just this morning I had a nice conversation on Messenger: “Wow what a comprehensive answer. Thank you so much! I will definitely think about buying the E-book.”

I can’t help you when your goal is conflicting with my beliefs

As a human being, I think sustainability, equality, and responsible travel are very important. I believe I can help many people turn their good intentions into good actions. And when I may guide you or your organization in Ghana, I understand that I have an advisory role. But in order to be a good coach, we need to have a click and a match in our convictions. That is why we always have an online meeting before we start working together.

I am a Ghana expert, but not an Accra or expat expert

When you come to Ghana to work as an expat for an international company in the capital Accra, my E-book will certainly be useful to you. But my coaching will probably be of less use to you. I do visit Accra from time to time, but I have little connection with the expat life there.
But I wouldn’t be a Ghana expert if I didn’t have some tips for expats in Accra and beyond.

  • Discover Accra by bike with Go city cycle
  • Meet new people and learn a new language at Language Café Accra
  • Explore Ghana off the beaten track, for example at the EMO foundation in Kpando or in Ashanti during the nature and culture weekends at my own Moon&Star guesthouse.
10 Ghana facts
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